n interesting point is that the misspelling of the word Chiwawa is sought on Google about 10,000 times a month! Such misspellings occur often in many subjects and some savvy entrepreneurs use the misspelling to increase their traffic! You now have a basic understanding of how important content is in how to start an online business. Remember this: Everything on the internet is about information whether you are looking for the best way to ask your favorite girl out on a date or how to change the oil in your big bulldozer in -50 degree weather in the Arctic. For example, if you have a site on climbing roses , make your content so vivid that your visitors can actually smell the sweet smell of the roses. Once you've mastered the art of matching an exact search term with the exact high quality content of your site, you will be making money hand over fist. You won't be able to help it because that wonderful matching of need with fulfillment is rare and that is why 98% of websites on ...